Contextual targeting so good, it's spooky🎃

October 16, 2023

Authored by Danielle Hennes, Senior Product Marketing Manager

Contextual targeting so good, it's spooky🎃


Embrace the season of excitement and intrigue in the digital marketing world, where contextual targeting is a key practice. Join Fyllo as we explore this realm, crafting relevance, enhancing user experiences, and adhering to privacy regulations that shape the digital landscape.

Alignment of Ads with Content

Imagine a world where ads blend perfectly with the content they're on. Contextual targeting is making sure ads appear in the right place, making them more appealing to the reader.

Relevance That Echoes the User's Interests

Contextual targeting possesses the current interests of the user. Unlike traditional behavioral targeting, this method peers into the very essence of a web page to determine the best ads to display.

For example, imagine stumbling upon an article about fitness ( you’re going to have to work off that candy) under the dim light of your screen. Suddenly, ads for athletic wear and gym memberships emerge in your view. The relevance ensures these ads feel less intrusive and more like helpful guidance and recommendations on your journey.

However, contextual targeting, drawing its power from content rather than the secrets hidden within user profiles, allows advertisers to sidestep these privacy hurdles. This method doesn't require prying into personal data, making it a more privacy-friendly alternative that keeps the specters of data breaches at bay.

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, contextual targeting emerges as a beacon of light amidst the shadows. It ensures relevance, values user experience, and navigates the privacy regulations. So, embrace contextual targeting, and may your digital campaigns haunt the right hearts and minds this season!

Unbranded Case Study:

A leading global automotive company was relying on generic third-party segments based on simplistic URL browsing behavior to target users. However, these segments were not only generic but also accessible to competitors, leading to a lack of differentiation and reduced effectiveness in targeting.


The company had two main goals:

Develop custom segments to target users more effectively

Improve engagement on upper funnel landing pages and reduce PA


To achieve these goals, the following steps were taken:

Build custom audience segments: Semasio's technology was used to build custom segments aimed at users consuming relevant, brand-specific content

Implement keyword targeting: Specific keywords such as "large crossover", "4-door sedan", "mid-size pickup", and "electric car" were used to reach potential customers with a high interest in these categories.


The shift to custom segments led to notable improvements:

  • An increase in visits to upper funnel landing page
  • A Substantial decreases in PA, with some reductions as high as
  • An  increase in spend on custom Audiences, highlighting their effectiveness

Lessons learned

The success of the campaign provides several valuable insights, including:

The value of custom segments: custom segments based on brand-specific content significantly outperformed generic third-party audiences.

The impact of targeted keywords: Specific keywords significantly improved targeting precision, resulting in more relevant user engagement.


By adopting a more nuanced approach to user targeting, the global automotive company significantly increased engagement and reduced PA. This case underscores the power of custom segments and targeted keywords in improving marketing effectiveness.

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